Before I go on to write about my ramblings...
I would like to pay my respects to all those who lost their lives in today's shooting at Virginia Tech. I do not believe in God, and hence I do not believe in Heaven. The only reason I wear a cross is because my father is very religious, and he gave it to me so I rarely take it off. But if I'm wrong, and there is a God, and there is a Heaven, I hope and wish that the souls of those who ceased to live today, are there.
Rest In Peace.
The weekend was an average one, on Friday I went out to eat with my Mother after class. We went to an Italian restaurant, and ate to our hearts contempt. After that, she kidnapped me and decided I should accompany her and buy an outfit. So we went to Palacio de Hierro, which is a Department Store, and of course, I took advantage of the whole situation and bought a pair of shoes.
I wanted these but they weren't in, so I settled for others which I can't find a pic of. (Clicky)

I saw a pair of Ecko tennis shoes on a mag. Thought they were somewhat cool. These to be exact:

However, if I had found out in time that Sixten (my favorite street artist) had designed these and there were only 610 made. I would've spilled blood for them!

Anyway, after I came home and while I made plans to go out I chatted on MSN with beloved friends. It's always nice to speak with people who you can be yourself with, is it not? I'm surrounded by a lot of hypocrisy, at University, because I have the luck of going to a Uni with lots of superficial people. But, oh well, the few good make everything worth it.
I went out to a partaaay, with Gerardo and some other cool people. I got home fairly early though, around 2 something A.M. But I just couldn't keep up. I suppose I hadn't recovered all my strength from Cancún. Taking it's toll on me, or something.
Then came Saturday. Oh yes, Saturday <3. Saturday mornings we usually go out to breakfast with parents. But this Saturday my Father was nuked so I got to stay in bed, yay. However, this Saturday I had Japanese Classes again so, hungover, I had to attend class. I enjoy Japanese class, so it wasn't as bad as you may think. :)
After class I came back home, and got on MSN (it's my sole addiction, haha) and chatted for a while. Love chatting on MSN!! That night Gerardo came and picked me up so we could go out again. We did and this time got home a bit later. He stayed over (no, no sex :P our relationship is more than that, for those who thought otherwise :)!) and we just cuddled.
Now Sundays, Sundays we ALWAYS have to go to Family Breakfast. (With everyone who lives in the city anyway) and some occasional visitors. So, we had to wake up early and shower and get ready to go out to it. As usual, it went by with the same events, which include some kind of topic to debate about, and just general chatter. Nothing too interesting. It gets interesting when one of my Uncles who is a priest comes though, but I'll write about it when he does actually come.
After breakfast I decided to go with Gera to a mall, I got a Wii game and saw a pair of jeans that were really nice, but unfortunately I wasn't carrying enough money to afford them. So blah! And after that we went to watch a Mexican movie called "Cuando las cosas suceden" or "When things happen". It's a decent movie, I enjoyed it, so you should totally watch it.
Anyway, once we got done with the movie he dropped me at my house and he went to do some homework. It was a good weekend.
Now I should really pay attention in class instead of typing this, haha.
Este fín de semana estuvo dos, dos. El viernes fuí a comer con mi Mamá después de clases. Fuimos a un restaurante italiano y comimos hasta reventar. Después me secuestró y decidió que la iba a acompañar a comprar algo que ponerse. Así que fuimos a Palacio de Hierro, y claro, me aproveché de la situación y compré unos tennis.
Quería estos, pero no los tenían, así que me conformé con otros, pero no puedo encontrar foto de ellos. (Cliquenle)

Ví unos tennis de Ecko en una revista. Se me hicieron algo chidos. Éstos para ser exacto:

Aunque si hubiera sabido a tiempo que Sixten (mi street artist favorito) había diseñado estoy y solo se hicieron 610... Hubiera matado por ellos!

En fín, después de llegar a mi casa, y mientras me hacía planes para salir, me metí al MSN y me puse a platicar con gente que quiero mucho. Siempre es lindo platicar con gente con la que puedes ser tú mismo, no? Estoy rodeado de hipocresía, en la Universidad, por que tengo la suerte de ir a una Uni con mucha gente superficial. Pero los que son buenos, valen la pena.
Salí a una peda con Gerardo y otra gente chida. Pero llegué medio temprano, como a las 2 y cacho. Es que no podía conmigo mismo. Yo creo que todavía no me recuperaba de Cancún. Me la está cobrando el cuerpo.
Y llegó el Sábadrinks. Oh si, sábado<3. Las mañanas del Sábado usualmente salgo a desayunar con mis jefes. Pero este sábado mi jefe estaba destruído, así que me quedé dormido otro ratito, yay. Sin embargo, el sábado tuve clase de Japonés, y con cruda... bueno. Pero me encanta ir, así que no fué tan malo.
Después de clase regresé a mi casa, me metí al MSN (es mi adicción, jaja) y chateé por un rato. Me encanta chatear en el MSN!! Esa noche Gerardo me recogió y salimos otra vez. Ésta vez llegamos un poco más tarde. Se quedó a dormir (no, no hubo sexo, nuestra relación es más que eso, para los que lo creían de otra forma :)!) y nos acurrucamos.
Ahora el domingo, el domingo SIEMPRE tengo que ir a desayunar con toda mi familia. (Bueno, al menos los que viven en la ciudad) y otros visitantes. Así que, nos tuvimos que levantar temprano, y arreglarnos para salir. Como siempre, pasó sin más, lo mismo de siempre, algo de debate, y chisme. Nada interesante. Se pone interesante cuando mi Tío que es padre viene, pero les cuento de eso un día que venga.
Después de desayunar, fuí con Gera a Santa Fé. Compré un juego de Wii y ví unos jeans bien, BIEN lindos, pero no traía suficiente dinero, así que no los pude comprar. Después vimos la película "Cuando las cosas suceden". Está decente, véanla, yo la disfruté.
En fín, cuando acabó la película, me dejó en mi casa y se fué a hacer tarea. Fué un buen fin.
Listening to/Escuchando: Teacher rambling about X-rays.
Glad to hear that you had a good weekend and of course I too am addicted to MSN.
I use it to talk to people back home and my blog friends from all over the world.
I swear blogging is like the new way to meet cool ppl from all over the world!