Just watch and enjoy:
After I watched this commercial today at Gerardo's apartment, I just had to run out and see if I could find some. I'm a victim of publicity!
I ran down the stairs (elevators are just for going up I say!), and across the street into the candy store. And assaulted the vendor.
I didn't find any though...
So I just bought a lollipop and went back.
This weekend was fun and double fun.
Last night we went to a party, a bit far from my place but not too bad. I had a great time with my friends and Gera. I think it's really nice how, at least in the circles we move in, we do not have to worry about what people may think. (Not that we'd care.) But it's nice not having people judge you all the time based on your sexual preference. I think I've mentioned before that neither Gera, nor me, are into the gay scene. It's just really not our cup of tea. We don't even fit in. Haha. So, not frequenting places where gay guys are the majority can be a little... interesting at times, for lack of a better word.
Anyway, the party was good and then we went back to his place. That night was hawt if you catch my drift ;).
We didn't sleep. After making love (oh that's so cheesy but so, so the only way I can describe it) we just stayed there kissing and talking about whatever. And then, at 7 AM or so, we got up and showered to head out to breakfast with my family (Saturdays breakfast with immediate family, Sundays with everyone and their mom, literally.)
I spent all day with him, he even came along to Japanese class. Poor thing was bored out of his mind, hahahaha. And after, we went back to his place again.
Fast forward to me going back up with my lollipop. And as I came into the apartment, I noticed he was wearing nothing but his briefs. He was gonna get in the shower, since we went out to a place called Pasagüero tonight, where they play very nice music, indie stuff and such. Whitey played tonight. (Fucken' awesome!)
Back on track, he was wearing briefs. Needless to say, I changed "lollipops" in a flash, and not very long after, I was getting to the center of the tootsie pop. No biting allowed :P.... OK, some very slight biting.
Now we're back here home, and he is sound asleep, and I'm suffering from insomnia, once again. *sigh* Oh well. Least you guys get more to read!
Ah! I miss my friend Izzi! Haven't seen him around, no MSN no cellphone messages (or phone calls for the matter) that bastard, gonna have to kick his ass and teach him a lesson or two on not abandoning me. (Totally random, I know.)
So, last post I made a comment on how people tell me I make my boyfriend sound more good looking than he really is. So, I will now submit him to vote. Yeah, he allowed me to post his pic, though he'll never read my blog mwahahaha, he got annoyed but I managed to keep the link a secret! Though I'm pretty sure he already found it. I googled alex+gerardo+boyfriend the other day and guess what came up as the number one result...
OK... so, here's a pic of us and of him alone, don't ask for more, cam is dead at zeh moment, the other pics are not for others to see (not dirty pics, but just... all mine). So... what you guys think? I think I did pretty good. :P (Yes, I realize I look like crap in the pic, was regrowing my mustache, thanks.)

Yeah, he has sunglasses on, but I thought he looked pretty hot in this one.

OK fine, I don't like how I look in that picture, so one of me too! (With Wii fun added, and if you comment on my bedroom and how childish it looks, I will kill, you hear me?!)

Cuando ví este comercial hoy, en el depa de Gerardo, tuve que salir corriendo a ver si los encontraba. Soy víctima de la publicidad.
Corrí abajo (los elevadores son sólo para subir digo yo), y cruzé la calle para llegar a la tienda de dulces. Asalté al vendedor!
Pero no había...
Compré una paleta y me regresé.
Éste fin fue muy divertido.
Anoche, fuimos a una peda, un poco lejos de mi casa pero no mucho. Me divertí mucho con mis amigos y Gera. Creo que es genial como, al menos en las esferas en que nos movemos, no nos tenemos que preocupar de el "que dirán". (No que nos importe.) Pero es bonito no tener a la gente juzgándote por tu preferencia sexual. Creo que lo he mencionado antes, ni Gera, ni yo nos gusta la "gay scene". No es lo nuestro. Ni siquiera encajamos. Jaja. Así que, sin frencuentar lugares donde la mayoría sea gay, las cosas se pueden poner algo... interesantes, por decirlo así.
En fín, la peda estuvo buena, y regresamos a su depa. Esa noche fue candente, si saben a lo que me refiero ;).
No dormimos. Después de hacer el amor (si, cursi pero no hay otra manera de describirlo) nos quedamos besándonos y hablando. Y luego, como a eso de las 7 AM, nos metimos a bañar para salir a desayunar con mi familia (sábados con mi familia nuclar, domingos con todos los demás).
Pasamos todo el día junto, hasta me acompañó a mi clase de Japonés. El pobre estaba que se caía de aburrimiento. Jeje. Y después, fuimos a su casa otra vez.
Adelantémonos otra vez a mi paleta. Cuando entré al depa, me dí cuenta que Gera no traía nada puesto más que sus briefs. Se iba a meter a bañar, ya que salimos a un lugar llamado Pasagüero, donde tocan música muy buena, como indie y eso. Whitey tocó hoy. (Genial!)
Bueno a lo que iba. Traía briefs. No es necesario decir que cambié "paletas" al instante, y no mucho después, estaba saboreando el interior. Morder esta prohibido... bueno, no del todo :P.
Ahora estamos aquí de regreso, y el está profundamente dormido, y yo tengo insomnia, otra vez. Bueno, al menos ya tienen algo más que leer!
Ah! Extraño a mi amigo Izzi! No lo he visto, ni en el MSN ni en mensajitos (o llamadas). Méndigo. Le voy a tener que partir su maiz para que aprenda a no abandonarme.
La última vez, mencioné que hay gente que me dice que mi novio no es tan guapo como yo digo. Así que ahí están las fotos para que ustedes juzguen. Y si se burlan de mi cuarto, los mato.
Escuchando/Listening To: Whitey - Wrap It Up
'Cause it's true, yo.
I feel like poo, was sick all day yesterday and today I feel better, but still kinda pooey. I'll make a post later. Some scary stuff going on in this house!
Best, Izzi
(BTW, I’m not sure about the nickname.. LOL)
Es izzi... Izzi... IZZIIIIIII, si así mero. Y no me regañes, estaba perfecto y de repente caí en enfermedad.
Bueno, cuídate chaparro.