Is something I -don't- suffer from. But it has now trespassed the real world barriers and has come to haunt me on the Internet world too. Some guy at a comments page in another blog said I was anorexic! THE NERVE!
Now, I could give a shit about what people think of me but seriously, I'm a stick. And I don't like that. Someone help me! Instruct me in the ways of muscle gaining!
Es algo de lo que -no- sufro. Pero ha rebasado las barreras del mundo real, y ha venido a hacerme la vida difícil en internet también. Un tipo en la página de comments de otro blog dijo que soy anoréxico! ¡¿Cómo se atreve?!
No me importa lo que la gente piense de mí, pero en toda honestidad soy un palo. Y eso no me agrada. ¡Alguien ayúdeme! Instrúyanme en las artes de musculatura.
Listening to/Escuchando: Oh Laura - Release Me
Now, I could give a shit about what people think of me but seriously, I'm a stick. And I don't like that. Someone help me! Instruct me in the ways of muscle gaining!
Es algo de lo que -no- sufro. Pero ha rebasado las barreras del mundo real, y ha venido a hacerme la vida difícil en internet también. Un tipo en la página de comments de otro blog dijo que soy anoréxico! ¡¿Cómo se atreve?!
No me importa lo que la gente piense de mí, pero en toda honestidad soy un palo. Y eso no me agrada. ¡Alguien ayúdeme! Instrúyanme en las artes de musculatura.
Listening to/Escuchando: Oh Laura - Release Me
You're right. Don't worry about what others say. They're just jealous!
If you want to gain muscle, the best way is to get a trainer at a gym. (Ignore that 'weight gain' stuff they sell in health food stores - it doesn't work.)
Nothing wrong with being young and thin. I didn't appreciate it when I was ...
When you work out how to fix that, let me know.
That being said, if it's for YOU, a trainer is what I'm planning on doing starting next month.