OK, so, this is gonna be a somewhat long entry... and I should warn you, it'll be graphic. Enjoy, or something like that. However, keep in mind I'm not all about sexing my blog up. I'll write about the sex part too, for the pleasing of many hopefully, but focus on my mind and heart and not on my cock and ass! Haha.

He showed up in time. As is not his custom. He always had a special talent to be fashionably late to pretty much every engagement he had. Not this time though. He sported his really sexy scruffy look, sunglasses, blue T-shirt, jeans and white sneakers.
He sat and didn't talk. I stared at him with a grin on my face. He noticed. He said, "What?". I said, "Nothing". And he returned the smile. At this point, my mind was wondering if he was happy to see me. We talked about what we had been up to for the past 4 months. I ranted about school and how I can feel it's sucking the life right out of me. He said he was glad he wasn't an engineer, he had enough of geeks with me alone. It was a funny comment, but I didn't laugh. I just said that maybe I was just too smart for him. He burst out laughing, the bastard.
We kept talking while we ate like if this situation wasn't awkward. At least, it was for me. We went to my favorite Japanese restaurant. That is, an actual Japanese restaurant and not a sushi bar. The owner is Japanese and he always gives us free drinks because I speak Japanese with him. (Oh, yes, I speak 4 languages, haha.) Anyway, he had the special which is a huge, MONSTROUS meal. OK, it's not that big and I'd probably eat it too but I just wasn't that hungry. And it includes a gyouza order, miso soup, tempura (vegetables and shrimp), a big bowl of rice and the choice of cutlets you want. In this case he had katsudon, which is pork cutlets. I just had miso soup and katsudon.
When we finished eating, I ordered a green tea ice cream, because it was really hot, (which contrary to popular belief, is not normal for Mexico City, at least not in winter.) And I was eating, he took my spoon out of my mouth and ate some. It's not that I'm bothered by it or anything, I mean after all, it's not like I haven't tasted liters upon liters of his saliva. But, he's doesn't do that, or he didn't do that with anyone else but me when we were together. I simply chuckled.
After we were done eating, we went for a walk in the same area. This place is really beautiful, although I didn't bring my camera along, I promise next time I will. That's a new idea that just popped in my head. Most people are used to hearing that Mexico is ugly, and things of such nature. In this blog I'll also post pictures from all over the city, time to time, so that maybe that notion is dispelled. I mean, like every city in the world, there's good and bad and I'll show both.
Anyway, back on topic, we walked for a while, it was really sunny, and it was really crowded, as usual. Time to time he'd approach me and be really close to me. I missed his warmth. We stopped by the CD store and checked some music out, and he bought a DVD. Devil wears Prada. He said he really liked it. I liked it too. We left the store and bought a bottle of water that we shared.
Then he dropped the bomb.
I miss you. He said to me. I kept walking in silence, I didn't know what to answer. I missed him too, but you don't send a picture of someone in your bed to the person you supposedly miss. So, I told him if he really missed me what was that guy doing in his bed. He said he didn't do anything with him, just a friend passed out in his bed and did that to make me think he did. However, I'm not naive enough to believe that off the bat. I remained skeptical, but gave him the benefit of doubt. He went on to say that he had never felt more sad than after we broke up. I thought to myself, if he was so sad why didn't he call me, try to make everything well again. Of course then I wondered why I didn't call him either, but hey, this my blog, you're supposed to be on my side!
We kept talking about our feelings for each other, it all came down basically to saying that we missed each other, and we still had feelings for each other. He said he wanted to try again. I was happy about this. Was. So we went back to his place, and soon as we got in, he held me. I froze. It had been so long since he had his arms around me like he did. I was indulging in the moment. I turned around and kissed him, wait, I devoured him. I was kissing him so passionately and he back.
I pulled back and asked him, what were we doing? He answered it's perfectly normal for two people that are in love to kiss each other. I said, no, I meant what's happening now. Were are we headed? He closed in again on me, and whispered to my ear that he wanted me back. And then kissed me. I couldn't resist, I wanted it, but I didn't want it.
He kissed my neck and I was already lost. I couldn't fend for myself anymore. He was being so aggressive, groping me, fondling me. He was ravaging me. He took my shirt off and started sucking on my nipples. I pushed him on the couch, got on top of him and took his shirt of. Kissed his chest, his nipples, all of his torso.

I unbuttoned his jeans while kissing his abs, no underwear.. yummy. He was freshly trimmed. Just like I love it. I looked up at him and he smiled. I started to suck him off. I sucked him off like those times when you haven't had something in a long time and when you finally taste it again it drives you nuts. He got hard, fast. I laughed a little and told him it seemed he really missed me. He pulled me up to him, kissed me more and took my pants off. He began sucking me off, I was fascinated by it. We got into a somewhat constrained 69 position on the rug. I was sucking him off, deepthroating him while he fingered and wet my ass.
After a moment he signaled for us to go to his bed. He laid me on my back and started eating my ass. He was prepping me up for him. Or should I say, prepping me up to ram me. It felt so good. He told me to wait and went and got lube and a condom. He asked me to put it on. After I did, he kissed me more and said "I Love You.", I said I love him too. He lubed my ass and asked me to ride him.
I sat on his dick, which, mind you, is pretty big. I did it slowly, giving myself time to adjust to it. He had a wicked smile on his face, as if he knew I was struggling with it. Which I was. It had been a while since we last had had sex. I finally got it completely in, and he played with nipples. Once I was used to him, I started riding him, slow. I was so hard. He started moaning, telling me how much he loved me and my ass. Haha. I started riding him faster, working my ass over his cock. He moaned more. I love it when he moans. At this point I had my eyes closed, and what I assume was the biggest smile on my face in a while. And while my eyes were closed, he did some movement that put me on my back without me even expecting it.
He put his pillows below me back, lifted my ass to him and rammed me hard. He was fucking me so hard, but oh so good. I didn't want to touch my cock, I felt any touching would make me cum. He flipped me on my stomach, and rammed me again. I was moaning, I was lost in ecstasy. My cock rubbing against his bed while he reached deep inside me, I couldn't do anything, I came, I came hard. And as I came, I tightened my ass and I heard him say he was cumming, he rammed deep inside me and spasmed on me. He had cum hard too.

He stayed there a moment, kissing my neck, breathing heavily on me. He rolled over to the side and I got close to him, and we kissed for a long time, till he fell asleep. Come on, it wasn't even late at night! But I just looked at him a while and caressed him till I got sleepy myself and fell asleep with him.
I woke up a little while later. He was still asleep, it was about 8:30 PM. I laid there, staring at the ceiling. And then... the inevitable. I started to worry, I started to think. I panicked. I got up, quickly, got dressed and didn't even care if I woke him up. Which he did and asked what I was doing. I didn't answer, till he said in a louder voice but not an angry one, what was I doing. I told him I didn't know, I told him I felt weird and I just had to leave. He kept asking why. I couldn't answer, I didn't know myself. I just told him I had to think and I needed to be on my own a while. He said OK.
I left his place, went back home, took a shower and then went out to a party. Which was good, except I couldn't take him off my mind so I opted for getting wasted. Today I'm sore, and my ass hurts. He had no mercy. But we'll see what happens next. I've been avoiding his call the whole day.
I suck. In both ways.
OK, pues esta va a estar larga... y muy gráfica. Disfruten, o algo así. Pero no olviden que mi blog no solo es de sexo. Escribiré sobre ello, sí. Pero concéntrense en mi mente, y corazón. Y no solo en batuta y mis nalgas. JAJA!

Llegó a tiempo. Que no suele ser el caso. Siempre ha tenido la habilidad de llegar tarde a todos sus compromisos. Pero no ésta vez. No se había rasurado, se veía muy sexy. Lentes de sol, una playera azul, jeans y tenis blancos.
Se sentó y no dijo nada. Me le quedé viendo con una sonrisa en mi cara. Se dió cuenta, y me dijo, "¿Qué?". Le dije que nada. Y me sonrió. Me preguntaba si estaba feliz de verme. Hablamos de lo que habíamos hecho en los últimos 4 meses. Yo me quejé de la escuela y lo ocupado que me mantiene. Dijo que le daba gusto no estudiar ingeniería, que con un solo nerd le bastaba. Fue gracioso, pero no reí. Simplemente le dije que tal vez era demasiado inteligente para el. Se rió el imbecil.
Platicamos mientras comíamos como si no fuera una situación incómoda. Lo era para mí al menos. Fuímos a mi restaurante Japonés favorito. Un restaurante de verdad, no como el Sushi Itto. El dueño es Japonés y siempre nos da de tomar gratis por que yo hablo Japonés con el. (Hablo 4 idiomas.) El pidió el especial, que enorme, gigante! Bueno, si me lo como pero no tenía mucha hambre. Viene con una orden de gyouza, una sopa misoshiru, tempura de camarón y vegetales, un plato de arroz grande y un katsudon. Yo namás me comí el katsudon y una sopa miso.
Cuando acabamos de comer, pedí un helado de té verde, estaba haciendo mucho calor. Mientras comía, me quito la cuchara de la boca y le dio un bocado. No me molesta ni mucho menos, digo, después de todo cuanta saliva suya no me habré tomado? Pero, él no hace esas cosas con cualquiera, solo las hacía conmigo. Me reí.
Cuando acabamos de comer, fuimos a caminar por ahí. No traje mi cámara pero los que viven en la ciudad saben que la Zona Rosa es linda.
Caminamos por un rato, estaba muy soleado, y muy ajetreado; típico. De vez en cuando se me acercaba. Extrañaba su calor. Fuimos a la tienda de discos y checamos música y el se compró el DVD de Devil Wears Prada. Dijo que le gustó mucho, a mi también me gusto. Nos fuimos de ahí y compramos una botella de agua para compartir.
Y despues...
Dijo que me extraña. Seguí camindando sin contestar. ¿Qué iba a decir? También lo extraño, pero no le mandas una foto de alguien en tu cama a la persona que extrañas. Le dije que si realmente me extrañaba, que hacía ese tipo en su cama. Dijo que no hizo nada con él, que era solo un amigo dormido y tomó la foto para hacerme creer que si habían hecho algo. Pero, no soy tan ingénuo para creerle con una mano en la cintura. Aún así le dí el beneficio de la duda. Dijo que nunca se había sentido mas triste que cuando cortamos. Yo pensé que si así había sido, ¿por qué nunca me llamó para arreglarlo? Claro, después me hize la misma pregunta a mi.

Seguimos hablando de nuestros sentimientos, básicamente nos extrañamos y aun sentimos por cada uno. Dijo que quería volver a intentar. Yo estaba feliz. Estaba. Así que fuimos a su depa, en cuanto entramos, me abrazó. Me quedé inmóbil. Hacía tanto tiempo que no sentía sus brazos. Saboreé el momento. Me di la vuelta y lo besé, bueno, lo devoré. Lo besaba apasionadamente y el a mí.
Me eché para atrás y le pregunte que era ésto? El dijo que la gente normal se da besos cuando se aman. Le dijo que eso no era lo que estaba preguntando, sino que qué significaba ésto. ¿A dónde vamos? Se acerco a mí otra vez, y susurró en mi oído que me quería de vuelta. Me besó. No me podía resistir. Quería, pero no quería.
Besó mi cuello y me perdí. No podía defenderme más. Estaba siendo agresivo, me tocaba, me fajaba. Me estaba haciendo suyo. Me quitó la camisa, y chupaba mis pezones. Lo empuje al sillón, me sente sobre él y le quité la camisa. Besé su pecho, sus pezones, su torso entero. Le desabroché los pantalones, no traía nada puesto debajo. Parecía recientemente cortado, pero no rasurado. Justo como me gusta. Lo miré a los ojos y el me sonrió. Empezé a chupársela. Se la chupé como cuando estás desesperado por comer algo y cuando por fin lo pruebas otra vez, te vuelves loco. Se le puso durísima bastante rápido. Me reí y le dije que paecía que me había extrañado realmente.
Me jaló hacia él, me besó mas y me quitó los pantalones. Me la empezó a chupar, me fascinaba tanto. Nos pusimos en posición un tanto apretada de 69 en la alfombra. Se la chupaba, tragándomela toda, mientras el me dedeaba, y me mojaba el culito. Después de un rato, me señaló que fuéramos a su cama. Me puso sobre mi espalda y me empezó a comer el culo. Me estaba preparando para el. O más bien, preparándome para que me diera sin piedad. Se sentía tan bien. Me dijo que esperara y trajo lubricante y un condón. Me dijo que se lo pusiera, y así lo hice. Me beso mas y dijo que me amaba, le dije que yo también lo amaba. Me lubrico y me pidió que lo montara.
Me senté sobre su tranca, que es muy, muy grande. Lo hice despacio, dándome tiempo de ajustarme a ese monstruo. Tenía una sonrisa perversa en su cara, como si supiera que me costaba trabajo. Y tenía razón. Ya hacía tiempo desde la última vez que tuvimos relaciones. Cuando por fin estuvo completamente dentro de mi, me acostumbre a él. Jugaba con mi pezones, y lo empezé a montar. Yo estaba a mil. Empezó a respirar fuerte y se pusó muy vocal. Diciéndome cuanto me amaba a mi y ami culo. Jaja. Lo montaba más rápido, moviéndome sobre el. Me encanta cuando gime. Ya para este tiempo, yo estaba que explotaba, tenía los ojos cerrados y una sonrisota. No se como, pero de repente me puso sobre mi espalda.
Puso sus almohadas bajo mi, levantó mis caderas hacia el y me la dejo ir duro. Me la metió hasta adentro. Me estaba dando durísimo, pero tan rico. No me la quería jalar, cualquier forma de tacto me iba a hacer venir. Me puso boca abajo, y me la metió otra vez. Yo solo gritaba de placer. Perdido en éxtasis. Mi verga embarrada contra la cama mientras me exploraba profundamente, no podía hacer nada. Me vine, me vine duro. Y cuando me vine, aprete mi culito y escuché que decía que se venía, me la metió hasta adentro y sentí sus espasmos sobre mi espalda. También el se vino duro.
Se quedó ahí un momento, besando mi cuello, respirando fuertemente sobre mi. Se acostó sobre la cama y me le acerqué, y nos besamos por un alrgo tiempo hasta que se quedó dormido. No era ni de noche y se quedó dormido! Me le quedé viéndolo, y acariciándolo, hasta que me quedé dormido también. Más tarde, me desperte.
El seguía dormido, eran aproximadamente las 8:30 PM. Me quedé ahí acostado, mirando al techo. Y luego... lo inevitable. Me empecé a preocupar, empecé a pensar. Me dio pánico. Me levante, me vestí rapidamente sin importarme si lo despertaba. Y sí se despertó y preguntó que pasaba. No contesté, hasta que levanto la voz pero no estaba enojado. Le dije que no sabía, que me sentía raro y que me tenía que ir. Me seguía preguntando por que. No podía contestar, ni yo sabía. Sólo le dije que tenía que pensar y que tenía que estar solo un rato. Dijo que estaba bien.
Me fuí a mi casa, me bañé, y me fui a una peda. Que estuvo buena, excepto que no me lo podía sacar de la mente, así que me puse una de aquellas. Hoy me duele todo, y me duele el culo. No tuvo piedad. Pero ya veremos que pasa. Estuvo evadiéndolo todo el día.
Soy un desastre.
Escuchando/Listening To: Aqualung - Another Little Hole
After we were done eating, we went for a walk in the same area. This place is really beautiful, although I didn't bring my camera along, I promise next time I will. That's a new idea that just popped in my head. Most people are used to hearing that Mexico is ugly, and things of such nature. In this blog I'll also post pictures from all over the city, time to time, so that maybe that notion is dispelled. I mean, like every city in the world, there's good and bad and I'll show both.
Anyway, back on topic, we walked for a while, it was really sunny, and it was really crowded, as usual. Time to time he'd approach me and be really close to me. I missed his warmth. We stopped by the CD store and checked some music out, and he bought a DVD. Devil wears Prada. He said he really liked it. I liked it too. We left the store and bought a bottle of water that we shared.
Then he dropped the bomb.
I miss you. He said to me. I kept walking in silence, I didn't know what to answer. I missed him too, but you don't send a picture of someone in your bed to the person you supposedly miss. So, I told him if he really missed me what was that guy doing in his bed. He said he didn't do anything with him, just a friend passed out in his bed and did that to make me think he did. However, I'm not naive enough to believe that off the bat. I remained skeptical, but gave him the benefit of doubt. He went on to say that he had never felt more sad than after we broke up. I thought to myself, if he was so sad why didn't he call me, try to make everything well again. Of course then I wondered why I didn't call him either, but hey, this my blog, you're supposed to be on my side!
We kept talking about our feelings for each other, it all came down basically to saying that we missed each other, and we still had feelings for each other. He said he wanted to try again. I was happy about this. Was. So we went back to his place, and soon as we got in, he held me. I froze. It had been so long since he had his arms around me like he did. I was indulging in the moment. I turned around and kissed him, wait, I devoured him. I was kissing him so passionately and he back.
I pulled back and asked him, what were we doing? He answered it's perfectly normal for two people that are in love to kiss each other. I said, no, I meant what's happening now. Were are we headed? He closed in again on me, and whispered to my ear that he wanted me back. And then kissed me. I couldn't resist, I wanted it, but I didn't want it.
He kissed my neck and I was already lost. I couldn't fend for myself anymore. He was being so aggressive, groping me, fondling me. He was ravaging me. He took my shirt off and started sucking on my nipples. I pushed him on the couch, got on top of him and took his shirt of. Kissed his chest, his nipples, all of his torso.

I unbuttoned his jeans while kissing his abs, no underwear.. yummy. He was freshly trimmed. Just like I love it. I looked up at him and he smiled. I started to suck him off. I sucked him off like those times when you haven't had something in a long time and when you finally taste it again it drives you nuts. He got hard, fast. I laughed a little and told him it seemed he really missed me. He pulled me up to him, kissed me more and took my pants off. He began sucking me off, I was fascinated by it. We got into a somewhat constrained 69 position on the rug. I was sucking him off, deepthroating him while he fingered and wet my ass.
After a moment he signaled for us to go to his bed. He laid me on my back and started eating my ass. He was prepping me up for him. Or should I say, prepping me up to ram me. It felt so good. He told me to wait and went and got lube and a condom. He asked me to put it on. After I did, he kissed me more and said "I Love You.", I said I love him too. He lubed my ass and asked me to ride him.
I sat on his dick, which, mind you, is pretty big. I did it slowly, giving myself time to adjust to it. He had a wicked smile on his face, as if he knew I was struggling with it. Which I was. It had been a while since we last had had sex. I finally got it completely in, and he played with nipples. Once I was used to him, I started riding him, slow. I was so hard. He started moaning, telling me how much he loved me and my ass. Haha. I started riding him faster, working my ass over his cock. He moaned more. I love it when he moans. At this point I had my eyes closed, and what I assume was the biggest smile on my face in a while. And while my eyes were closed, he did some movement that put me on my back without me even expecting it.
He put his pillows below me back, lifted my ass to him and rammed me hard. He was fucking me so hard, but oh so good. I didn't want to touch my cock, I felt any touching would make me cum. He flipped me on my stomach, and rammed me again. I was moaning, I was lost in ecstasy. My cock rubbing against his bed while he reached deep inside me, I couldn't do anything, I came, I came hard. And as I came, I tightened my ass and I heard him say he was cumming, he rammed deep inside me and spasmed on me. He had cum hard too.

He stayed there a moment, kissing my neck, breathing heavily on me. He rolled over to the side and I got close to him, and we kissed for a long time, till he fell asleep. Come on, it wasn't even late at night! But I just looked at him a while and caressed him till I got sleepy myself and fell asleep with him.
I woke up a little while later. He was still asleep, it was about 8:30 PM. I laid there, staring at the ceiling. And then... the inevitable. I started to worry, I started to think. I panicked. I got up, quickly, got dressed and didn't even care if I woke him up. Which he did and asked what I was doing. I didn't answer, till he said in a louder voice but not an angry one, what was I doing. I told him I didn't know, I told him I felt weird and I just had to leave. He kept asking why. I couldn't answer, I didn't know myself. I just told him I had to think and I needed to be on my own a while. He said OK.
I left his place, went back home, took a shower and then went out to a party. Which was good, except I couldn't take him off my mind so I opted for getting wasted. Today I'm sore, and my ass hurts. He had no mercy. But we'll see what happens next. I've been avoiding his call the whole day.
I suck. In both ways.
OK, pues esta va a estar larga... y muy gráfica. Disfruten, o algo así. Pero no olviden que mi blog no solo es de sexo. Escribiré sobre ello, sí. Pero concéntrense en mi mente, y corazón. Y no solo en batuta y mis nalgas. JAJA!

Llegó a tiempo. Que no suele ser el caso. Siempre ha tenido la habilidad de llegar tarde a todos sus compromisos. Pero no ésta vez. No se había rasurado, se veía muy sexy. Lentes de sol, una playera azul, jeans y tenis blancos.
Se sentó y no dijo nada. Me le quedé viendo con una sonrisa en mi cara. Se dió cuenta, y me dijo, "¿Qué?". Le dije que nada. Y me sonrió. Me preguntaba si estaba feliz de verme. Hablamos de lo que habíamos hecho en los últimos 4 meses. Yo me quejé de la escuela y lo ocupado que me mantiene. Dijo que le daba gusto no estudiar ingeniería, que con un solo nerd le bastaba. Fue gracioso, pero no reí. Simplemente le dije que tal vez era demasiado inteligente para el. Se rió el imbecil.
Platicamos mientras comíamos como si no fuera una situación incómoda. Lo era para mí al menos. Fuímos a mi restaurante Japonés favorito. Un restaurante de verdad, no como el Sushi Itto. El dueño es Japonés y siempre nos da de tomar gratis por que yo hablo Japonés con el. (Hablo 4 idiomas.) El pidió el especial, que enorme, gigante! Bueno, si me lo como pero no tenía mucha hambre. Viene con una orden de gyouza, una sopa misoshiru, tempura de camarón y vegetales, un plato de arroz grande y un katsudon. Yo namás me comí el katsudon y una sopa miso.
Cuando acabamos de comer, pedí un helado de té verde, estaba haciendo mucho calor. Mientras comía, me quito la cuchara de la boca y le dio un bocado. No me molesta ni mucho menos, digo, después de todo cuanta saliva suya no me habré tomado? Pero, él no hace esas cosas con cualquiera, solo las hacía conmigo. Me reí.
Cuando acabamos de comer, fuimos a caminar por ahí. No traje mi cámara pero los que viven en la ciudad saben que la Zona Rosa es linda.
Caminamos por un rato, estaba muy soleado, y muy ajetreado; típico. De vez en cuando se me acercaba. Extrañaba su calor. Fuimos a la tienda de discos y checamos música y el se compró el DVD de Devil Wears Prada. Dijo que le gustó mucho, a mi también me gusto. Nos fuimos de ahí y compramos una botella de agua para compartir.
Y despues...
Dijo que me extraña. Seguí camindando sin contestar. ¿Qué iba a decir? También lo extraño, pero no le mandas una foto de alguien en tu cama a la persona que extrañas. Le dije que si realmente me extrañaba, que hacía ese tipo en su cama. Dijo que no hizo nada con él, que era solo un amigo dormido y tomó la foto para hacerme creer que si habían hecho algo. Pero, no soy tan ingénuo para creerle con una mano en la cintura. Aún así le dí el beneficio de la duda. Dijo que nunca se había sentido mas triste que cuando cortamos. Yo pensé que si así había sido, ¿por qué nunca me llamó para arreglarlo? Claro, después me hize la misma pregunta a mi.

Seguimos hablando de nuestros sentimientos, básicamente nos extrañamos y aun sentimos por cada uno. Dijo que quería volver a intentar. Yo estaba feliz. Estaba. Así que fuimos a su depa, en cuanto entramos, me abrazó. Me quedé inmóbil. Hacía tanto tiempo que no sentía sus brazos. Saboreé el momento. Me di la vuelta y lo besé, bueno, lo devoré. Lo besaba apasionadamente y el a mí.
Me eché para atrás y le pregunte que era ésto? El dijo que la gente normal se da besos cuando se aman. Le dijo que eso no era lo que estaba preguntando, sino que qué significaba ésto. ¿A dónde vamos? Se acerco a mí otra vez, y susurró en mi oído que me quería de vuelta. Me besó. No me podía resistir. Quería, pero no quería.
Besó mi cuello y me perdí. No podía defenderme más. Estaba siendo agresivo, me tocaba, me fajaba. Me estaba haciendo suyo. Me quitó la camisa, y chupaba mis pezones. Lo empuje al sillón, me sente sobre él y le quité la camisa. Besé su pecho, sus pezones, su torso entero. Le desabroché los pantalones, no traía nada puesto debajo. Parecía recientemente cortado, pero no rasurado. Justo como me gusta. Lo miré a los ojos y el me sonrió. Empezé a chupársela. Se la chupé como cuando estás desesperado por comer algo y cuando por fin lo pruebas otra vez, te vuelves loco. Se le puso durísima bastante rápido. Me reí y le dije que paecía que me había extrañado realmente.
Me jaló hacia él, me besó mas y me quitó los pantalones. Me la empezó a chupar, me fascinaba tanto. Nos pusimos en posición un tanto apretada de 69 en la alfombra. Se la chupaba, tragándomela toda, mientras el me dedeaba, y me mojaba el culito. Después de un rato, me señaló que fuéramos a su cama. Me puso sobre mi espalda y me empezó a comer el culo. Me estaba preparando para el. O más bien, preparándome para que me diera sin piedad. Se sentía tan bien. Me dijo que esperara y trajo lubricante y un condón. Me dijo que se lo pusiera, y así lo hice. Me beso mas y dijo que me amaba, le dije que yo también lo amaba. Me lubrico y me pidió que lo montara.
Me senté sobre su tranca, que es muy, muy grande. Lo hice despacio, dándome tiempo de ajustarme a ese monstruo. Tenía una sonrisa perversa en su cara, como si supiera que me costaba trabajo. Y tenía razón. Ya hacía tiempo desde la última vez que tuvimos relaciones. Cuando por fin estuvo completamente dentro de mi, me acostumbre a él. Jugaba con mi pezones, y lo empezé a montar. Yo estaba a mil. Empezó a respirar fuerte y se pusó muy vocal. Diciéndome cuanto me amaba a mi y ami culo. Jaja. Lo montaba más rápido, moviéndome sobre el. Me encanta cuando gime. Ya para este tiempo, yo estaba que explotaba, tenía los ojos cerrados y una sonrisota. No se como, pero de repente me puso sobre mi espalda.
Puso sus almohadas bajo mi, levantó mis caderas hacia el y me la dejo ir duro. Me la metió hasta adentro. Me estaba dando durísimo, pero tan rico. No me la quería jalar, cualquier forma de tacto me iba a hacer venir. Me puso boca abajo, y me la metió otra vez. Yo solo gritaba de placer. Perdido en éxtasis. Mi verga embarrada contra la cama mientras me exploraba profundamente, no podía hacer nada. Me vine, me vine duro. Y cuando me vine, aprete mi culito y escuché que decía que se venía, me la metió hasta adentro y sentí sus espasmos sobre mi espalda. También el se vino duro.
Se quedó ahí un momento, besando mi cuello, respirando fuertemente sobre mi. Se acostó sobre la cama y me le acerqué, y nos besamos por un alrgo tiempo hasta que se quedó dormido. No era ni de noche y se quedó dormido! Me le quedé viéndolo, y acariciándolo, hasta que me quedé dormido también. Más tarde, me desperte.
El seguía dormido, eran aproximadamente las 8:30 PM. Me quedé ahí acostado, mirando al techo. Y luego... lo inevitable. Me empecé a preocupar, empecé a pensar. Me dio pánico. Me levante, me vestí rapidamente sin importarme si lo despertaba. Y sí se despertó y preguntó que pasaba. No contesté, hasta que levanto la voz pero no estaba enojado. Le dije que no sabía, que me sentía raro y que me tenía que ir. Me seguía preguntando por que. No podía contestar, ni yo sabía. Sólo le dije que tenía que pensar y que tenía que estar solo un rato. Dijo que estaba bien.
Me fuí a mi casa, me bañé, y me fui a una peda. Que estuvo buena, excepto que no me lo podía sacar de la mente, así que me puse una de aquellas. Hoy me duele todo, y me duele el culo. No tuvo piedad. Pero ya veremos que pasa. Estuvo evadiéndolo todo el día.
Soy un desastre.
Escuchando/Listening To: Aqualung - Another Little Hole
Have I officially told you I completely HATE Gerardo now. I no longer think he is sweet at all.